Swoop! Teleporter (Team Rocket Returns) - 92/109

Swoop! Teleporter

Value History

30 Days
90 Days
365 Days


  • Search your deck for a Basic Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex) and switch it with 1 of your Basic Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex) in play. (Any cards attached to that Pokémon, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) Place the first Basic Pokémon in the discard pile. Shuffle your deck afterward.


Card Artist
Katsura Tabata
Release Date
November 1, 2004

Disclaimer: The following data is based on sale history from a third party source. Data is updated about every 5 days. This data does not serve as a value guarantee.